lördag 17 december 2011

Blowing in the wind, Escorial

Coolt problem i Escorial med lite extra nerv genom risken för att ramla ner för slänten vid ett fall.


5 kommentarer:

  1. Nice boulder, today we have been climbing in Escorial in Scandinavia weather conditions.

  2. Sounds good. We hope to see pictures of glorious sends on your blog.


  3. No Andreas,
    Two months ago I injured my right shoulder which it's always giving me problems.
    Next week I have a MNR (Magnetic Nuclear Resonance) and if it states the diagnostic I will need surgery.
    So, I'm not as strong as I want.
    Nevertheles, I'm still climbing.

  4. Good luck with the recovery of your shoulder.


  5. The posts from you look good. I hope it works out with the shoulder.

